24 Mar 2023
It's less than a week to KubeCon EU & Cloud Native Rejekts!
Don't miss the most important Kubernetes events in Europe this year!
And if you haven't registered to KubeCon, the Linux Foundation shared a 10% discount code that you can use: KCEU23LK810
Which sessions do you plan to attend?
Hit the reply and let me know!
Tue 01:00 am
Best practices onboarding apps to a Kubernetes-based platform
Online webinar organized by Red Hat.
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
Tue 11:45 pm
Build and manage your cloud-native data stack on Kubernetes using open-source technology
Online & in-person meetup organized by Cloud Native Computing Wellington.
Location: Wellington, NZ and virtual
This is a free event.
Wed 03:30 am
Online webinar organized by Microsoft.
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
Thu 12:30 pm
$ kubectl apply -f cloud-Infrastructure.yaml with Crossplane et al.
In-person meetup organized by Cloud Native Night Munich.
Location: München, DE
This is a free event.
Sun 08:00 am
In-person conference organized by Cloud Native Rejekts.
Location: Amsterdam, NL
This event requires an entrance fee
Use 30Rejekts_DiscountSponsEU23 to get 30% off
Mon 04:00 am
Online workshop organized by Learnk8s.
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
Wed 05:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devoxx UK.
Location: London, UK
This event requires an entrance fee
Subscribe and, every Friday, receive the events for the week ahead!
8 May
Mon 08:00 am
Location: Vancouver, CA
This is a free event.
19 May
Fri 02:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Czech & Slovak 2023
Location: Bratislava, SK
This event requires an entrance fee
2 Jun
Fri 11:30 pm
Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru 2023
Location: Bengaluru, IN
This event requires an entrance fee
5 Jun
Mon 10:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Colombia 2023
Location: Medellín, CO and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
15 Jun
Thu 08:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Zürich 2023
Location: Zürich, CH
This event requires an entrance fee
16 Jun
Fri 03:30 am
Kubernetes Community Days Italy 2023
Location: Milan, IT
This event requires an entrance fee
16 Jun
Fri 11:30 pm
Kubernetes Community Days Mumbai
Location: Mumbai, IN and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
19 Jun
Mon 08:00 am
Location: Tel Aviv, IL
This is a free event.
4 Apr
Tue 08:00 am
Online conference organized by Geekle.
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
Use LEARNK8S to get 20% off
17 Apr
Mon 08:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by Linux Foundation.
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KCEU23LK810 to get 10% off
25 Apr
Tue 03:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
Location: Kraków, PL
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBEEVENTS15 to get 15% off
26 Apr
Wed 06:00 am
Online conference organized by DevNetwork.
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
Use MP474 to get €100.00 off
28 Apr
Fri 04:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
Location: Cáceres, ES
This event requires an entrance fee
Use Colab-02DevOps-Events to get 50% off
19 May
Fri 07:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
Location: Juiz de Fora, BR
This event requires an entrance fee
Use 8BX7T13 to get 20% off
23 May
Tue 03:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by DATA MINER.
Location: Vilnius, LT and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use DDEU10 to get 10% off
23 May
Tue 08:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by DevOps Pro Europe.
Location: Vilnius, LT and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use DOPEU10 to get 10% off
23 May
Tue 10:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
Location: Baltimore, US
This event requires an entrance fee
Use LEARNK8S_FRIENDS to get 10% off general admission
23 May
Tue 10:00 am
In-person conference organized by Infobip Shift.
Location: Miami, FL, US
This event requires an entrance fee
Use Learnk8code to get 60% off
20 Jun
Tue 08:00 am
In-person conference organized by JavaPro.
Location: Cologne, DE
This event requires an entrance fee
Use JCON23-LEARNK8S to get 10% off
3 Jul
Mon 04:00 am
In-person conference organized by DevBcn.
Location: Barcelona, ES
This event requires an entrance fee
Use SPSR-DTO-L34RN8S$0603 to get 10% off
19 Aug
Sat 08:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
Location: Rio de Janeiro, BR
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBEEVENTS to get 10% off
5 Sept
Tue 03:00 am
In-person conference organized by CIVO.
Location: London, UK
This event requires an entrance fee
Use NAVLEARN50 to get 50% off tickets
12 Sept
Tue 08:00 pm
In-person conference organized by NETWAYS.
Location: Berlin, DE
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBEEVENTS to get 20% off
19 Sept
Tue 08:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by Linux Foundation.
Location: Bilbao, ES and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use OSSEU23K8C20 to get 20% off
19 Sept
Tue 08:00 am
Software Architecture fwdays'23
Online & in-person conference organized by fwdays.
Location: Astarta, UA and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use 2C9F3DEFD6 to get 10% off
25 Sept
Mon 08:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
Location: New York, USA and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use learnk8s10 to get 10% off
11 Oct
Wed 11:30 pm
In-person conference organized by OSI.
Location: Bengaluru, IN
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBE15 to get 15% off
15 Nov
Wed 01:42 pm
In-person conference organized by UAB Sprigis.
Location: Vilnius, LT
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KubeEVENTS10 to get 10% off
21 Nov
Tue 02:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by DATA MINER.
Location: Vilnius, LT and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use bdeu23%10/learnk8s to get 10% off
4 Dec
Mon 07:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
Location: Munich, DE and virtual
This is a free event.
10 Dec
Sun 08:00 pm
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
Location: Singapore, SG and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use doc-23mw-sing to get 10% off
13 Apr
Thu 06:00 am
Designing Kubernetes-based solutions
Location: Singapore, SG and virtual
This is a free event.
13 Apr
Thu 01:00 pm
Multiparty authorization for Kubernetes & lessons learnt from creating platforms on Kubernetes
Location: London, GB
This is a free event.
18 Apr
Tue 09:00 pm
Deploy applications consistently at scale on AKS
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
25 Apr
Tue 04:00 pm
Getting started with Kubernetes on Azure
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
4 May
Thu 12:00 pm
The billion dollars Kubernetes operator bug
Location: Zaragoza, ES
This is a free event.
4 May
Thu 12:30 pm
End-to-end testing custom Kubernetes controllers with sig framework
Location: Leipzig, DE and virtual
This is a free event.
8 May
Mon 05:00 am
A guide to adopting Kubernetes
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
14 Jun
Wed 05:00 am
KDS: a Kubernetes-based dynamic resource scheduler for real-time systems
Location: Stockholm, SE
This is a free event.
DevOps Engineer with Natzka SA
Salary: CHF 100K to CHF 120K a year
Location: based in the office in Zürich, Switzerland
Tech stack: Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Azure, ArgoCD, Shell, Powershell, Python, Terraform, Azure DevOps
Software Engineer with Nexxiot
Salary: CHF 100K to CHF 130K a year
Location: remote from Switzerland
Tech stack: Kubernetes, Docker, Kotlin, Java, Shell, SQL, C
Discover more Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers →
7 Apr
Fri 11:30 pm
Docker Desktop and Kubernetes workshop for beginner
Location: Bangalore, IN
This is a free event.
13 Apr
Thu 06:00 am
Implementing container security on EKS
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
26 Apr
Wed 08:00 am
Getting started with Kubernetes on AWS
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
6 May
Sat 08:00 am
Docker essential for Kubernetes
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
8 May
Mon 09:30 am
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
14 Jun
Wed 11:00 am
Serverless with Knative Services and Eventing
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
15 Jun
Thu 04:00 am
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
16 Jun
Fri 11:30 pm
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
Location: New York, USA and virtual
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
The conference starts on the 25 September 2023.
Kubernetes Community Days Colombia 2023
Location: Medellín, CO and virtual
Online & in-person conference organized by KCD Colombia 2023.
The conference starts on the 5 June 2023.
Location: Hamburg, DE and virtual
Online & in-person conference organized by Loovent.
The conference starts on the 11 September 2023.
Kubernetes Community Days Zürich 2023
Location: Zürich, CH
In-person conference organized by KCD Zürich.
The conference starts on the 15 June 2023.
Location: Miami, FL, US
In-person conference organized by Infobip Shift.
The conference starts on the 23 May 2023.
Copenhagen Developers Festival
Location: Copenhagen, DK
In-person conference organized by NDC conferences.
The conference starts on the 28 August 2023.
Location: Malmö, SE
In-person conference organized by Öredev AB.
The conference starts on the 8 November 2023.
Location: Rio de Janeiro, BR
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
The conference starts on the 19 August 2023.
Until next time!
— Dan
Subscribe and, every Friday, receive the events for the week ahead!