7 Jul 2023
Tue 12:30 pm
From fixed server-capacity to scalable nodes using Karpenter
In-person meetup organized by Berlin AWS User Group.
Location: Berlin, DE
This is a free event.
Tue 06:00 pm
Roll your own serverless with Knative
Online workshop organized by St. Louis Serverless.
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
Wed 03:00 am
Merging to main: coexisting between Kubernetes and legacy tech
Online webinar organized by Codefresh.
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
Wed 07:00 am
Securing mariner container host workloads on AKS
Online meetup organized by Microsoft Reactor London.
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
Thu 11:30 am
Low overhead automated distributed tracing with help of eBPF & Introduction to Skupper
Online & in-person meetup organized by Dutch Kubernetes/Cloud-Native Meetup.
Location: Amsterdam, NL and virtual
This is a free event.
Fri 09:00 pm
Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan 2023
Online & in-person conference organized by KCD Taiwan.
Location: Taipei, TW and virtual
This is a free event.
Tue 01:00 pm
Online conference organized by DevNetwork.
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
Subscribe and, every Friday, receive the events for the week ahead!
17 Jul
Mon 03:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Munich 2023
Location: Munich, DE
This event requires an entrance fee
21 Jul
Fri 11:30 pm
Kubernetes Community Days Chennai 2023
Location: Chennai, IN
This event requires an entrance fee
18 Aug
Fri 10:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Guatemala 2023
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
21 Aug
Mon 06:30 pm
Kubernetes Community Day Australia 2023
Location: Sydney, AU
This event requires an entrance fee
31 Aug
Thu 05:44 pm
Kubernetes Community Days Lahore
Location: Lahore, PK and virtual
This is a free event.
12 Sept
Tue 08:30 am
Kubernetes Community Days Washington DC
Location: Washington, DC, USA
This event requires an entrance fee
26 Sept
Tue 03:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Austria 2023
Location: Vienna, AT
This event requires an entrance fee
6 Oct
Fri 07:00 am
Kubernetes Community Days Texas
Location: Irving, Texas, USA
This event requires an entrance fee
19 Aug
Sat 08:00 am
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
Location: Rio de Janeiro, BR
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBEEVENTS to get 10% off
5 Sept
Tue 03:00 am
In-person conference organized by CIVO.
Location: London, UK
This event requires an entrance fee
Use NAVLEARN50 to get 50% off tickets
12 Sept
Tue 08:00 pm
In-person conference organized by NETWAYS.
Location: Berlin, DE
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBEEVENTS to get 20% off
19 Sept
Tue 08:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by Linux Foundation.
Location: Bilbao, ES and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use OSSEU23K8C20 to get 20% off
19 Sept
Tue 08:00 am
Software Architecture fwdays'23
Online & in-person conference organized by fwdays.
Location: Astarta, UA and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use 2C9F3DEFD6 to get 10% off
25 Sept
Mon 08:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
Location: New York, USA and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use learnk8s10 to get 10% off
11 Oct
Wed 11:30 pm
In-person conference organized by OSI.
Location: Bengaluru, IN
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KUBE15 to get 15% off
15 Nov
Wed 01:42 pm
In-person conference organized by UAB Sprigis.
Location: Vilnius, LT
This event requires an entrance fee
Use KubeEVENTS10 to get 10% off
21 Nov
Tue 02:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by DATA MINER.
Location: Vilnius, LT and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use bdeu23%10/learnk8s to get 10% off
4 Dec
Mon 07:00 am
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
Location: Munich, DE and virtual
This is a free event.
10 Dec
Sun 08:00 pm
Online & in-person conference organized by S&S Media.
Location: Singapore, SG and virtual
This event requires an entrance fee
Use doc-23mw-sing to get 10% off
21 Jul
Fri 01:00 pm
Implementing data & databases on Kubernetes within the Dutch government
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
25 Jul
Tue 12:00 pm
Intro to Tetragon: eBPF-based security observability & runtime enforcement
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
25 Jul
Tue 02:00 pm
Configure synchronization with GitOps: Flux, Argo CD, and kapp-controller
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
26 Jul
Wed 12:00 pm
Optimizing network costs in Kubernetes
Location: Johannesburg, ZA and virtual
This is a free event.
1 Aug
Tue 01:00 pm
Troubleshoot five common DNS issues in Kubernetes clusters
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
10 Aug
Thu 03:00 pm
Kubernetes priority and fairness
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
17 Aug
Thu 01:00 pm
Persistence at the edge for thousands of Chick-fil-A restaurants
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
20 Sept
Wed 03:00 am
Edgecase 2023: Kubernetes at the edge
Location: Utrecht, NL
This is a free event.
Software Engineer with Tidepool
Salary: $116K to $160K a year
Location: remote from the United States
Tech stack: Kubernetes, AWS, Go, Python
Software Engineer with Sunray Woodcraft
Salary: $54K to $96K a year
Location: based in the office in Singapore
Tech stack: Kubernetes, Java, Javascript
Discover more Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers →
13 Jul
Thu 01:00 pm
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
20 Jul
Thu 06:00 am
Detect and block container and network-based attacks in EKS
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
20 Jul
Thu 01:00 pm
Shift-left security with vulnerability management in EKS
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
27 Jul
Thu 01:00 pm
Zero-trust security controls for containers and AKS to reduce attack surface
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
24 Aug
Thu 12:00 pm
This is a virtual event
This is a free event.
14 Sept
Thu 09:00 am
This is a virtual event
This event requires an entrance fee
25 Sept
Mon 05:00 am
Advanced Kubernetes course (London)
Location: London, UK
This event requires an entrance fee
25 Sept
Mon 05:00 am
Advanced Kubernetes course (Singapore)
Location: Singapore, SG
This event requires an entrance fee
Location: Bilbao, ES and virtual
Online & in-person conference organized by Linux Foundation.
The conference starts on the 18 September 2023.
Location: Madrid, ES
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
The conference starts on the 6 October 2023.
Location: Bengaluru, IN
In-person conference organized by OSI.
The conference starts on the 12 October 2023.
Kubernetes Community Days El Salvador 2023
Location: San Miguel, SV and virtual
Online & in-person conference organized by KCD El Salvador.
The conference starts on the 29 September 2023.
Location: Antwerp, BE
In-person conference organized by Java Community BV.
The conference starts on the 2 October 2023.
Location: Singapore, SG
In-person conference organized by DevOps Talks.
The conference starts on the 6 September 2023.
Wearedevelopers World Congress
In-person conference organized by WeAreDevelopers.
The conference starts on the 27 July 2023.
Location: Eindhoven, NL
In-person conference organized by Devopsdays.
The conference starts on the 11 October 2023.
Until next time!
— Dan
Subscribe and, every Friday, receive the events for the week ahead!